Monday, June 1, 2015

It has begun!

We have not been strangers to hard work or hurdles this past week.

Yet in the middle of it, the blessings of the Lord have been abudant. 

Before I share some of the amazing experiences that I have been in the front seat to in the past week, let me share an update on what's happening with the trip. :) After a day and a half delay caused by the car not being ready (after body shop repairs from an accident 2 months ago), we set off on the start of The Road Trip on Saturday afternoon!! The feeling of beginning something that has been worked towards and dreamed of for so long is absolutely surreal. I kept reminding myself that it was really happening...and in a lot of ways I still am reminding myself.

We crossed our first state line that night as we crossed from California into Arizona! We have spent the past few days with our dear friend Esther as well as her family. We have played some games, cried some tears, experienced laughter, and met many people. The time has been a delightful time of recharge after the stress of the past month. We have certainly been refreshed and blessed--and pray we were the same. 

Tomorrow we shall be off--and cross another few state lines!

During this time we are learning how to be intentional with loving people and how to embrace every moment. 

Let me share with you some of the highlights from this past week:

1. Before we left, we went to say good bye to a family who we have both babysat for. We are now deemed their 'friend babysitters.' Anyway, we went to say good bye and for a time of prayer. It was in the middle of a stressful day of moving, and our hearts were not really in the right spot when we arrived. That quickly changed as the two oldest boys prayed over us. Their prayers touched our hearts in a way few other prayers have. We were feeling refreshed and at peace. It was then that the real shock happened...the oldest heard us talking about money and trusting God to provide the rest of it as the trip progressed. He ran to his room and came back with a $20! This he gave to us without a second thought. His brother followed suit with a $10 bill. By the time we left, we had in hand the most precious $37.50 we have ever received. It was so humbling and incredible. That money is being saved for something special later in the trip. <3

2. As we left our final acupuncture appointment before the trip, our doctor prayed over us and gave us a generous donation towards our trip. We left with the blessing of 3 people from that office--and so much excitement from our journey! Words cannot express how we felt as we left from there. 

3. We had the opportunity to spend multiple times with Alyssa's family before we left. Each time was special and filled with blessing. Her mom and dad helped us by storing things and donating to us as well as being an incredible support. 

4. My friend Megan and her husband have graciously allowed us to store our things at their home. Without this generous gift, this trip would have been financially much more challenging. We had the opportunity to have lunch with her during that last week. It was a precious time of community. We cannot wait to hang out with her again when we get back!

The blessings continue, but I think this is enough for one post. 

We left feeling that God has truly provided an incredible support group behind us: sending us, loving us, praying for us, and blessing us. We are humbled and grateful.

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