Friday, May 16, 2014

Crocheted Products for Sale!!

A couple months back I posted on 30 Days of Hustle Facebook group about this trip (my current 'hustle' or goal to everyone else ;) ). Megan Starbuck, an amazing woman with a desire to help serve missionaries and their visions, commented on the post and offered to help with fundraising. This was a huge gift that we had prayed for for months. So grateful for her serving, willing heart! Thank you, Megan, for your willingness to serve in a way that the Lord called you to :)

How, you ask, is she helping? By selling her crocheting work!! It is amazing!! If you are interested in purchasing something AND helping us fund this trip, check out her site:

Megan's Store

When you make an order, make sure to let Megan know that you want the donation portion to go towards The Road Trip!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Prayer Team!

Prayer is the foundation of this trip. There is no other way it can actually happen. Because of this, I am posting 'sign ups' everywhere I can think of for joining the prayer team for this trip. :) if you are interested in receiving prayer requests and updates, please sign up here: Prayer Team Sign-Up