Wednesday, January 28, 2015

We're Back!

An update is long overdue for this trip! For those of you who have continued to pray about this trip during this long time of silence, THANK YOU. Those prayers were much needed.

What has happened during this silence? A lot. A lot of prayers. A lot of questions. A lot of silence. A lot of surrender. A lot of uncertainty.

It has been a messy time of wondering, questioning, and uncertainty. We tried a variety of different ideas for how the trip could look and wondered if we should even follow through with it. It was a spiritually challenging season as God was silent.

I think that about sums it up. I don't want to sugar coat the time, but also don't want to belabor the point! So, I'll leave it at that. However, we are open to questions, so feel free to ask!

Where are we now?

Back to the original plan. Well...ok not entirely. We are leaving in May! The trip length has remained about the same, but will be closer to a year than 14 months. The route is still under construction, but that is how it will be for awhile!

The biggest change is where we are focusing our service. Serving with big organizations would be 'simpler' and more recognized, but we weren't having peace. It was the plan from the beginning, but God was changing our hearts. Our serving has always been to those around us in the everyday situations we find ourselves in. simple terms this means our focus is switching from 'organizations' to 'people.' What that will look like will take the whole trip to discover!

Out of this change has come two themes for posts: Everyday Miracles and Everyday Blessings. I will begin doing these posts shortly :)

God is providing in creative, unique ways for the funding! We will be sharing about more of that with you in the coming weeks too. We plan to become more active in posting in the coming weeks!!

Thank you for your prayers and support and patience!

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