It has been awhile since I have posted here, but the plans and dreams for this trip have remained on my mind and heart. In the past month I have drafted a rough outline of the trip plan, created a rough budget, updated the blog title to better match the trip, and let more people in on this dream! In the midst of this I have fluctuated between feeling completely crazy to beyond excited to absolutely terrified to humbled at the work of God. Most importantly, God has continued to guide and shape this journey and my heart. He has revealed to me more about the way He desires service to be on this (post coming hopefully soon) and He has opened doors to serve here in the meantime. Prayers are definitely coveted during this time!
Prayer requests:
--As always, that God would be the Captain of this journey
--That we would not let being overwhelmed get in the way of trusting God
--That God would prepare the hearts of those we will contact re: this journey
Next Steps!
--Contacting some more people at church about this idea
--Editting and adapting both the budget and the route
--Beginning to prepare to fundraise
Recap of the Plan:
Starting mid-2015, my friend and I will be journeying around the US for 12-14 months, visiting all 50 states and serving in as many of those states as God opens the door for.